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It bears repeating:
This page was last updated: October 28, 2022

subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
     Here we go, again. Do you reallytruly believe that the motorcycle helmet laws were enacted to save the precious skulls of "We The People" who like to ride motorcycles? You DO? Boy, are YOU naivé! Motorcycle helmets that THEY say WE have to wear, drain you of some of your energy, and cut you off from the natural energy we get from the atmosphere and sunshine. 

     You should realize by now, that the only laws created today are ones to benefit those who hold sway. They know what they are doing, these bankers who tell US what to buy, and THEM what to sell. Your HEAD is YOUR business, not theirs, to control. The law says - "You wear it" - and then they patrol, to see that you DO it - for your SAFETY, they say, and they know full darn well, it takes energy away. The rhyming is not meant to be cutesy, my dear - the TRUTH about wearing a helmet's quite clear. It's NOT "for your safety", as THEY like to say - the law was just passed to send money THEIR way! The motorcycles themselves, THEY make, and YOU buy - and they load them with vinyl, must you really ask WHY? They own what you ride on, they own what you wear, they sell you the gas, and you think that they CARE? Financially, it all puts a BIG strain on you. Well my dears, that's the AGENDA, and that's ALL that they do!

     All right - here is ANOTHER one of their lies. Those modern plastic lenses are NOT good for your eyes. What are most eyeglasses constructed of today? Plastic. Plastic frames, and plastic lenses are the latest greatest thing. The frames used to be metal, the lenses used to be glass. That was MUCH healthier for your body. Oh, I know you can still get them, but most people don't. 

     Let me tell you a story. I did not change the prescription in my driving glasses for about 32 years. I did not wear them all of the time, either - only if I was driving at night, or driving in heavy rain. I made my eyes WORK, and an optometrist once told me that was probably a smart idea. 

     Some of my family members got stronger and stronger prescription lenses on a regular basis, and as a result - they could hardly see without their eyeglasses. 

     People tend not to question what a doctor in any field tells them, and they also tend not to think for themselves. If the eye doctor recommends a stronger prescription, they agree to it, and do it. 

     I would like to go on record telling you that a LOT of vision problems can be resolved using natural methods, and eating differently than most people eat. Here's one thing you can do so you do not get cataracts - avoid low-fat yogurt like the plague! One of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on the American public, was the low-fat yogurt nonsense. It is a PROVEN fact - cows do NOT give low-fat milk. Now, full fat, or whole milk yogurt, is great - but it is much harder to find. Almost every brand of yogurt at our grocery stores, is LOW-FAT. One thing that satisfies our hunger, is fat - the GOOD kind, like olive oil, sesame oil, butter, and the natural fats that are in our food. Avocados, bananas, raw nuts, eggs, fish, and many other whole foods, are chock-full of wholesome fats that satisfy our "appestat". Our body recognizes them, and utilizes them. 

     Low-fat, "designer", processed foods do NOT satisfy anything but the manufacturers need for revenue. (We mentioned DESIGNER FOODS earlier, at the bottom of CHECKLIST OF CONTROLS Page 2.) Specifically, with yogurt, it is much more lucrative to take whole milk, fractionate it, and sell the various parts of the whole. More money for those who "rule and reign", savvy? 

     Follow me, here - the public purchases and consumes fractionated yogurt, labeled "low-fat", in an effort to cut down on the amount of fat they ingest. Very often, that yogurt is loaded with sugar, or high fructose corn syrup, THEN the public buys half-and-half for their coffee - a fractionation and combination of milk and cream. Their body necessarily will be confused, as it was designed to eat WHOLE foods. These are simply a few examples of how our food supply is meddled with, and in the case of low-fat yogurt - many tests show that people who eat it on a regular basis develop cataracts. 

     If you are going to eat yogurt, or drink milk, use WHOLE milk products. Raw, unpasteurized milk is actually the best for your body. It is still available in many parts of the country, but you may have to do some digging to find it. Make your own homemade yogurt with it. Privately owned health food stores are often a good resource center for many of the hard-to-find, out-of-the-way remedies and foods. Do not bother with the chains. Most of them are not much more than a drug store or body building supplier. Originally, the chains were good sources for lots of food items, now it appears that 90% of what they sell are pills, and most are run by "The Establishment". 

     Back to your eyesight, now. Carrots, especially carrot juice, is an excellent food for your eyes. If you save the fibrous part, and add it to salads or cook it, you will be eating the WHOLE carrot. I am sure you have read the story about the pilots who did not pass their eye tests in World War II. They were given carrot juice for 3 weeks, and ALL of them passed with flying colors - no pun intended. 

     Carrots are just plain good for your eyesight, especially your night vision. Eat them. USE your eyes. Get them away from those computer screens and television set and "Smartphones". Avoid sunglasses if you can. Most of them are just plastic, with plastic lenses and frames. Your eyes were designed to thrive on natural light, so get them out in the sunlight as much as possible, and take your eyeglasses off when you really do not need them. Look online - their are some great eye exercises out there to help strengthen your vision.
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
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"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"