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It bears repeating:
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
This page was last updated: October 28, 2022

subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
     How DID we ever manage without it? For all of the hoopla and razzamattazz about the wonderful benefits of fitness paraphernalia, we - as a nation - are puny, weak, sick excuses for human beings. Jesus was a carpenter. He most likely cut the wood he worked with from trees He felled himself, and we KNOW He made things without the use of power tools - from start to finish. 

     Up until the "machine age", people used their MUSCLES! NOW, they are too lazy to get up and change the channel on the television set. So much for PROGRESS! All that you are doing buying fitness equipment, is spending unnecessary money for something you really do not need. I don't suppose that is going to stop the sales of exercise and fitness machines, but you should take time to think about it.

     Here again, folks, plastic. When you sleep on an air mattress, you are sleeping on a bed of plastic. Time was, a lot of natural rubber was used. It worked JUST fine, but plastic is cheaper, and some folks have developed an allergy to latex, so now, we have plastic air mattresses. 

     Buy baby cribs that are made of WOOD. Why would you want to put your precious newborn baby into plastic and nylon? He'll be exposed to the plastic world soon enough, as he grows. The plastic mattress pad is bad enough, let alone surround the poor tyke with a plastic crib. 

     I am sure you are well aware of how a plastic bag can suffocate a child, well... the only difference is that a lot of air gets to the child, when sleeping on a plastic mattress covered with a sheet. If you have read what is on CONTROL INCOGNITO about plastic, you'll know that ANY contact with it is detrimental to your health. I understand that it is nigh unto impossible to avoid it, but you COULD give your baby a good, natural, healthy start to life by using as many natural materials as possible. 

     Necessary, you say? I suppose they are - I have lots of them and use them frequently. However, you CAN find power tools that do not have plastic handles - I have! They are safe to use, and keep you from using plastic once again. 

     I would be very pleased, if you would take the time to read this part about "Automatic Pencils" thoroughly. The title may seem ridiculous to you, but the subject is not. I still have a hard time believing that pencils even need to be addressed, but you will see why, below. Just remember, until recently, we all used natural wood pencils. They did us no harm, unless we were careless with them, as I was one time when I was very young. Just listen to what happened in my own family regarding automatic pencils!

     Students are "all-but" forced to use these plastic things. One of my offspring had a discussion with me once, that almost become argumentative - about needing automatic pencils for school. It seems the teacher had a pencil sharpener in the room, but did not let the students sharpen their pencils during class, because it "distracted her too much". The child begged not to have to use wooden pencils, because if the lead broke, the teacher made a major issue out of having the child sharpen the pencil during class. 

     Another INANE incident occurred, involving the same offspring of mine, with a DIFFERENT teacher. This teacher preferred that the students use plastic automatic pencils - "for their safety". There's that phrase, again. The teacher knew someone, or said she did, who had their eye poked out with a sharp pencil point. Hence, she felt they were "too dangerous" to use. Well, forget about using COMPASSES, then! 

     Yet ANOTHER stupidity was heard from another one of my offspring, who reported that they were told they could NOT use regular, sharpen-able wooden pencils. This was in middle school or high school - I forget. (I have a LOT of children.) The situation is clear in my mind, though. The students were told, once again, that it was TOO DANGEROUS for them to be carrying sharp pencils around, as some one was BOUND to be hurt. Of course, some student obliged the administration, and put a pencil through another student's hand, thereby confirming their worst fears - an injury, caused by an angry youngster, armed with a "deadly pencil". 

     My word, how did we ever manage to make it through our school years unscathed? Wonders will never cease. As a side note, off the subject at hand, one of the schools in our area has completely eliminated "shop" class, where the students worked wonders with wood, hands on. ALL of the neat wood-working apparatus was removed, and replaced with computers. No parents were asked for their opinion - it was just DONE. How sad! That was ONE place where students could use their hand, touching natural materials, and learning some PRACTICAL things they could use later in life. How on earth can a computer replace the actual experience of using a saw, or a hammer, or a drill press, or a sander, or a planer? 

     The answer is, it can't, of course. Those who dictate the curriculum, KNOW IT. Entitle this tangent of mine - THE VANISHING CRAFTSMAN. 
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