subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
Generally speaking, we all tend to eat the same foods - those that are provided for us at the grocery stores and supermarkets. We have become accustomed to buying food that our families 
can prepare quickly, because most of us are in such a constant rush. THE CONTROLLERS KNOW 
that - they're the ones who have engineered the time press. And - they're the ones who CONTROL 
the preparation, pollution, packaging, and promotion of the foods THEY wish us to eat.

Here is a sampling of what THEY are adding to our food, in massive quantities - to keep all of us "tuned-out" to energy, truth, and freedom - and "tuned-in" to and under their CONTROL.

These are just a very few of the different substances added to our food. As we go along, I'll let you know just what they do to our brains, and why they have been foisted upon us.

It bears repeating:
This page was last updated: October 28, 2022
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MSG - a.k.a. Accent, Monosodium Glutamate also masquerades as:
Hydrolyzed Protein: (plant, vegetable, any kind)
Sodium or Calcium Caseinate
Autolyzed Yeast 
Yeast Extract 
Yeast Food 
Yeast Nutrient
Textured Protein 
Glutamic Acid
"Other spices" - yes, it is hidden under that, too!
ASPARTAME - a.k.a. NutraSweet, Equal
MSG is one of the most powerful NEURO-TOXINS known to man. Please read what Weston Price says about it, under the paragraph entitled CUTTING CORNERS. Most of us who are health-conscious are well aware of its effects when ingested in Chinese restaurant food, but I'll bet you don't know where ELSE it raises its ugly head. What follows is just a partial, sketchy list. MSG is rampant in the following foods ingested by YOU:
Soups - almost every single brand - (sorry, Campbells)
TV dinners - almost without exception
Dips for chips and vegetables
Chips - the flavored ones - Doritos, Fritos, Lays, etc.
Hot dogs
Polish kielbasa - those without it still have nitrates/nitrites - (brain scramblers)
Gravy - canned, jarred, and mixes
Chicken and beef broth - (sorry, Swansons)
Salad dressings - Hidden Valley Ranch, and most of the others
Mexican fajitas - almost all of the restaurants use MSG in these
Bean and rice mixes - almost every solitary one
Vegetarian entrees - LOADED with MSG, and its disguises
Ranch flavored ANYTHING
Salsas - (sorry, America)
Rice-a-Roni - the San Francisco treat, with MSG replete
Noodle and sauce mixes - every one I checked
Stove Top Stuffing - and all of the other brands 
Crackers - Wheatables, Cheese Nips, flavored Wheat Thins and Triscuits
Drano - just kidding, checking to see if you're paying attention!
Hamburger and Tuna Helper
Potatoes au gratin mixes - and all of the other potato/cheese mixes
Deli food
Most theater and microwave popcorn - also, see the dangers for your brain of artificial      butter flavoring, and its link to Alzheimer's - from CBSScience Daily, and Dr. Mercola
Smoked, processed lunch meats
Sausage, especially smoked varieties
Flavored coatings - "Shake 'n Bake", etc.
Frozen main meal entrees
Frozen vegetables with sauces
Wonton soup and egg drop soup and egg rolls
Pretzels with flavors added
Cream cheese - the flavored varieties
Dry mixes of any kind - guacamole, sloppy joes, chili, soup starters, salad dressings 
Main dish boxed meals
Pet food - true - no WONDER Fido "loses" it.  I did find some.
Almost ALL restaurant food, especially in the chains
Airline food served on flights
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
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"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"