subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
It bears repeating:
This page was last updated: October 28, 2022
PAGE 7 OF 13
Remember - that was only a PARTIAL list. Due to the urgency of the message, I have not bothered to go into any great detail about some of the additives - sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, and canola oil. There is a lot of information out there, on their toxicity. I will touch on just a few things about them. Many books have been written about the detrimental effects of the additives that have been dumped into our food. The ones that I address in detail, are the ones that target THE BRAIN.
DO NOT INGEST CANOLA OIL !!! It has been highly touted as being a wonderful source of polyunsaturated acid. Perhaps, but it stands for, according to where you do your research: CANadian OLeic Acid, which is nothing more than a variety of rapeseed oil. Until recently, it has never been considered as food fit for human beings; some sources claim it is deadly poison. So, what do THEY do? THEY give it a high profile via massive advertising campaigns, and put it into TONS - literally, of our food. You would never eat rapeseed, in its natural state, but CANOLA OIL is a very inexpensive way for manufacturers to add fat to their product. THEN, the nutrition label can state that a high percentage of the fat contained therein, is unsaturated, and... THEY GOT US AGAIN!
Before you even THINK about using CANOLA OIL, click on this star... or this one...
The truth about oils, if I may "tangent travel" for a moment, is that 99% of them which state they are cold-pressed, are NOT. That is just a nice technical term to encourage sales. There are limits imposed on oil manufacturers, in regards to heat. As long as the "legal limit" has not been exceeded, the oils can reach quite a high temperature, and still technically be labeled "cold-pressed".
The main reason to use cold-pressed oils, is to obtain the maximum benefits of the enzymes that are present, and the Vitamin E, which prevents rancidity. Rule of thumb is - if the oil is clear and colorless, it is NOT truly "cold-pressed". Those oils have been chemically extracted, subjected to high temperatures, and bleached.
On the market today, about the only oils in supermarkets that are truly cold-pressed are Olive oiland Sesame oil. THEY have value, and add to your overall health, due to the extremely low heat used in their processing. Coconut oil is another exception, as it is clear, in temperatures over about 76 degrees F. Below that, it is solid white, or off-white. Excellent Coconut oil can be purchased from health food stores, and there again - it pays to know which one to get. NUTIVA is the only brand I have found to be excellent at this point in time.
All of those other oils in the supermarkets, with the exception of olive oil and sesame oil, are valueless, aside from calories. Are you likely to read that in Womens' Day or even Prevention magazines? NOT LIKELY - just look at their advertisers - that's BIG BUSINESS, and $$$ talks. Truly
cold-pressed oils have color [with the exception of Coconut oil], and smell like the plant from which they were pressed. CRISCO, WESSON, MAZOLA, and the rest of the "super brands" are nothing but DEAD, DENATURED OIL. Forget them, if you value your health.
You've read a few of my comments about health food stores. They are one of the BEST places to find sources for New Age seminars, Transcendental Meditation gurus, Spiritualist groups, mediums, psychics, and channeling groups. That should tell you something, right there. The biggest problem with the New Agers, is that - they are so close to THE TRUTH, and yet at the end of their discoveries, they worship the CREATION, instead of THE CREATOR.
In health food stores, a large percentage of what is sold there, isn't worth the money expended on it. There ARE exceptions. I know 2 people who own 3 health food stores in my area - their stores are some of the few I have found, nationwide, that do not cater to New Age mysticism and the "Save the Planet and the Animals" theosophy. These people are heavy into the "Save the People and Babies" movement, but they are a rare, delightful exception.
I have found products in "health food" stores containg MFS, MSG, white sugar, white flour, high fructose corn syrup, autolyzed yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and LOTS of canola oil. Yummy... Lots of vegetarians, especially Seventh Day Adventists, eat Loma Linda products. YUCK! Get the majority of your sodium intake for the day in one serving! Go read the labels yourself - terrible stuff in there. Just take the time to check it out - again, the sodium content ALONE is WAY above any sane level.
THE PLANNERS' whole premise is to get you coming and going - if they miss you at the grocery store, they'll see you at the health food store. Little by little, those who rule the world are buying up the health food concerns. Frito-Lay acquired one of the major ones, as I noticed when I was picking up a brand that was excellent, that my family had eaten for years. OH, WELL...
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
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