Disney's 1999 releases of The Rescuers on home video, were recalled due to the discovery of two photographs of a nude woman in the background of two frames of the movie. They were removed in later editions. Check it out for yourself - these are not "conspiracy theory" rumors - the frames in the movie existed. Look it up on Wikipedia, or if it's been "yanked" there, check here, or here.
In Who Framed Roger Rabbit a scene drew attention to viewers when Jessica Rabbit revealed what was under her dress in which nothing was drawn. This scene wasn't noticed until 1994 during the film's laserdisk release. This caught the attention of the media when news such as CNN that made news articles about the scene. See the article on Wikipedia, under the heading "Controversies", or if it has been "yanked", go on an online search.
There are even sexual subliminals in old Bugs Bunny cartoons. So many of the things that we found have been pooh-poohed by snopes.com, or laughed at by sites who "investigate" urban legends, or downright mocked by well-known informational sites. Well...we KNOW what we SAW!
On the first page of the chapter entitled SUBLIME SUBLIMINALS, click on the left "eye". That will direct you to another page, where I stated that MOST of the subliminals available are too graphic for me to include. On YouTube, if it is still there, you'll find an excellent video exposing a lot of them. Watch it until the end, and you'll see how obvious some of them are, and you'll get a good idea of how you are being bombarded with subliminals. As of November, 2009 - THIS ONE was still up there.
I would not recommend watching it if any children are around, and I would recommend clearing out your cookies and browser, when you are finished.
Remember, THE PLAN is CONTROL. A sex-obsessed population is extremely easy to CONTROL; history has proven THAT, and THE OLYMPIANS believe in starting them out YOUNG!
It bears repeating:
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This page was last updated: October 29, 2022
subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...

THIS one has to be one of the BIGGEST lies the American public has ever swallowed! For the last 20 years or so, every major magazine that addresses FOOD has been pushing PASTA. It has been so highly advertised, you'd think it was some new discovery. Prevention magazine even got in on it, but, of course - THEY sold out a long time ago, when the elder Rodale passed away. All of the other "health" magazines, "womens" magazines, and cooking magazines picked up on it, and r-a-n! We've been told, repeatedly, that PASTA is an "ideal food" - low in fat, low in calories, and a good source of complex carbohydrates. Well, 2 out of 3 have a semblance of the truth to them.
PASTA is low-fat, and it is relatively low in calories, IF you want to make up a pot of it, and eat it plain. MOST folks like it swimming in margarine, butter, olive oil, cheese, pesto sauce, or spaghetti sauce. THEN, it is neither low-fat, nor low-calorie. In ANY case, it is NOT a good source of complex carbohydrates. About 98% of the PASTA that is available, is made from WHITE FLOUR, which has had all of its intrinsic nutrients stipped away in the refining process. Take a look at the vitamins and minerals that are removed, when whole-wheat flour is refined...
90% - Vitamin A
77% - Vitamin B1
80% - Vitamin B2
81% - Vitamin B3
72% - Vitamin B6
77% - Vitamin B12
86% - Vitamin E
67% - Folic Acid
50% - Pantothenic Acid
60% - Calcium
40% - Chromium
89% - Cobalt
76% - Iron
85% - Magnesium
86% - Manganese
71% - Phosphorus
77% - Potassium
16% - Selenium
78% - Sodium
30% - Choline
78% - Zinc
To add insult to injury - when raw wheat is refined into white flour, ALL of the WHEAT GERM is GONE, where most of the above nutrients are stored, and ALL of the BRAN is gone, which gives us fiber - the "roughage" we need to make our bowels function properly. Once the germ and bran are stripped from the flour, all that is left is the starchy part of the wheat, which will "keep" a lot longer than flour made from the whole grain. Even the bugs will shun it, as a rule. The resulting white flour, mixed with water, makes great wallpaper paste!
Now, the manufacturers DO add vitamins and minerals back into the flour, to be able to call it "enriched". However, the ones that they add, are synthetic, which do NOT "do your body good". Your body does not metabolize the synthetic vitamins and minerals in the same manner as it metabolizes natural ones. If you have access to getting a bottle of a "one-a-day" natural vitamin, and a bottle of a "one-a-day" synthetic drug-store-type vitamin - do an ENERGYGRAPH test with them. You can do the test without even taking the vitamins out of the bottles. First, do the test with nothing but your hand over your navel. Then, do the test with the natural vitamin bottle in your hand, and then with the synthetic "one-a-day" bottle in your hand. You will need no further proof of how ineffectively your body handles man-made supplements. Next, let us take a look at some of the nutrients that were removed.
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"