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Don't a lot of you get a warm comfortable feeling, when you see IHS, or I. H. S. marked on some item, used in a "church" ritual? Why is that? It stands for "In His Service", right? WRONG. Some people think that it stands for "Iesus Hominum Salvator" - which translates - "Jesus, the Savior of Men". That, is also incorrect. These are just OLD subtle, subliminal, manipulative CONTROLS, to pull the wool over gullible eyes.
Anyone who does a bit of ancient Egyptian history research, can tell you, that this trinity of initials stands for, and HAS ALWAYS STOOD FOR - Isis, Horus, and Seth - ancient Egyptian dieties, i.e. false gods. Isis was considered the mother goddess of fertility and nature. Horus - usually portrayed as a falcon/man - was the god of light. Seth - was the god of chaos. This trio was used LONG BEFORE Jesus was born, and it did NOT mean, in the service of God. Here is just another LIE, that has been told over and over and over again - until very few question it.
You will find this clump of letters plastered in "churches" everywhere, taken at face value, to be "In His Service". Oh, beloved, don't you SEE? The deceptions are many - the TRUTH must be SOUGHT.
Here is a bit of the background...Isis, was mother AND wife to Osiris - the Egyptian god of the dead - which all ties in to the same deity which is glorified on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill. At the top of the pyramid, is the All-Seeing-Eye-of-Osiris, or as some say - "Isis". This bit of info is a well-established FACT, known throughout history, and only hidden from apparent public view, in the last few generations. It is plainly on our money, and ties us into the ILLUMINATI, via the FREEMASONS - and, ultimately, back to Babylon. The "ancient mysteries" and the symbolism that accompany them, just go on and on and on.
Any ex-Freemason who ever got to the higher degrees, will tell you that Egyptian dieties play a role in the Masonic Order. CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT THAT! Now, what Freemasons don't like to talk about - THIS is interesting - even to their brothers of the 33rd degree, is that Osiris, who was both son AND husband to Isis, was BLACK. Even today, with black men accepted as Masons, Osiris being black is NOT a welcome subject of discussion. Fellow seekers of the truth, why don't you turn OFF THE TV, turn ON YOUR BRAIN, and find out what God's truth REALLY is?

Ah! The wonders of the human brain! Backwards speech, backmasking in music, and the OCCULT ART of speaking in reverse, now serve a vital function in exposing THE TRUTH. From an Australian researcher, who has investigated the phenomenon of reverse speech since 1984, we now have a way to tell who's speaking with a forked tongue - AND, WHO IS NOT! He has mind-boggling proof, that if you record what a person is saying, and play it BACKWARDS - the TRUTH of what they are THINKING, and what they are REALLY saying - comes out clear as a bell.
He has demonstrated repeatedly what babies are trying to say, with their gurglings - what O.J. Simpson REALLY said, during his trials - what former President Clinton was REALLY saying - what is hidden in music and videos.
Mostly, though, he deals with the everyday, spoken word. One of his people, with whom I spoke, revealed to me that her son took a reverse tape recorder to school, where the school used it on Disney movies. She said they had to stop doing it, because the "backtalk" was a bit too graphic for the classroom. I own a reverse tape recorder - it is INCREDIBLE, what you can HEAR, that your EARS do not pick up. Oh, they do; but the conscious doesn't "get it", until it is played backwards, and slowed down, or speeded up. I will have the information in the APPENDIX, for you to contact him if you'd like to order one for yourself.
Just IMAGINE the ramifications of such a machine, used as a LIE DETECTOR! While I can envision a lot of legal outcry about its use, it would be a marvelous addition to any trial. There certainly would be a lot of hurt feelings flying around, if people had the ability to know what is REALLY being thought or said.
Personally, I think the concept is MARVELOUS! What a way to find out who is really on the side of liberty, truth, justice, and God. Imagine taping a sermon at church, or taping judges, or politicians, or newscasters, or celebrities, or radio broadcasts, or people in your own sphere of influence! Because the machine reads cassette tapes, any speeches made during the years that we utilized that format, would be able to be investigated. I would love to have taped all of the DISINFORMATION about Ruby Ridge, AND the news broadcasts following the tragedy on September 11, 2001.
One of the "hidden things" that occultists and members ofsecret societies have engaged in for years, is reverse speech - learned only in the upper levels. Isn't that terrific? We now possess the technology, in these Last Days, to unveil the TRUTH. Check it out for yourself. God DOES say, that everything which is hidden shall be revealed, and it LOOKS like, truth in speech is about to become - a NECESSITY!
There are some videos on YouTube - some good, some idiotic, that reveal a few things that are picked up in reverse speech observation. You might just enjoy some of the good ones...
It bears repeating:
This page was last updated: October 29, 2022
subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"