Good grief! There certainly is a lot of talk today about "crystal power". I have one comment, to be summed up in a few sentences. THE OLYMPIANS use them, and the New Age culture REVOLVES around them. Remnant, once you see crystals as your strength and source of healing, then God's power is not - not in YOUR life, anyway. An inanimate gold, silver, plastic, wooden, bear claw, crystal talisman hung around your neck, or carried in your pocket - is NOT the saving grace of man. Utter, childlike faith in Him, IS. Buyer beware! No matter what form of power you have seen in crystals, it is NOTHING compared to the power that raised Christ from the dead.
There's a very good reason that the word for POWER that's used in the New Testament, which was originally written in Greek, is "dunamis". That's where we get the word "dynamite". Amulets, tokens, charms, crystals - those are just "pop guns" and firecrackers, compared to the power of JAH, THE LIVING GOD. The soothsayers, wizards, and astrologers in Bible times knew all about the energy in crystals, and used them in their spells, enchantments, and scrying. You who claim the name of Christ, shouldn't be involved in any of that business.
Picture this - right after the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus declares - "If anyone in the crowd would like to stick around and get their lucky charm, or "power amulet", just form a line at the right, next to Peter, John, and Andrew." Or, how about this - "To keep connected to me, and to your Higher Power, see one of my twelve disciples, to get your crystal connection."
Rather ridiculous, isn't it? I'm sure the prophets of Baal had all sorts of little trinkets that "protected" them, and amulets they wore to increase their "power", but when it came right down to it - who called down FIRE FROM HEAVEN, and got RESULTS? That would be Elijah, the servant of the Most High, with nothing more than the knowledge of the TRUTH, and the help of God.
I am not trying to condemn any of you out there, if you're "into" crystals, but I DO want you to consider what you are relying on for energy, strength, and power. Remember - it goes - "Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." - Zechariah 4:6. "The Lord will give strength unto His people..." - Psalms 29:11. And, one of the finest - "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation." - Isaiah. 'Nuff said?
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In addition to many CONTROLS I already mentioned, that revolve around "the churches" of our nation, there are a few other items you need to know. I've already addressed the New World Order indoctrination, the infiltration of the New Age agenda, and the love affair that many "churches" have with the homosexual movement. Now, I am going to give you some DANGER signs.
The TRUE CHURCH is comprised of followers of Jesus Christ, who believe that He is, and who obey His Word. Period. What most people think is a "church", is merely a building with a sign, where people congregate. Very few of them are actually houses of worship, and very few are occupied by people who worship the one true God. That being said...
If any of you go to a "church" that has an angel prominently displayed - look out! All this talk of angels is not without a reason. There is an organization which is known as The Order of Angels, and MANY have bought into its LIE. From the Mormon statue of Moroni, to the little "guardian angel" made for the lapel, this "angel awareness" all stems from the satanic Order of Angels. Scoff if you will, but, it is just another CONTROL, another way to take the glory away from God, the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ - and give it to FALLEN ANGELS. Basically, The Order of Angels is nothing more than a group of people who worship Lucifer's angels, a.k.a. fallen angels, a.k.a. DEMONS, and who want to sidetrack the children of God, with another "wind of doctrine". By all observations, this diversion is going quite well - for the enemy.
Now, don't misquote me, and don't misconstrue my meaning. Certainly God gives His angels charge over us, and many of us have entertained angels "unawares", as the Scripture states. There are several places in the Word, where angels have appeared to man; to Jesus' mother - Mary, to the shepherds - when Jesus was born, to Moses, Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Daniel, Peter, John, and others. This overemphasis, lately, on ANGELS, is inordinate, and inappropriate. See Colossians 2:18 - "Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels..." and Galatians 1:8"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Emphasis - mine.)
Just take a look around you, at all of the figurines and statues of angels that have cropped up in the last 20 years - pay attention - they are out there. Some are more subtly displayed than others. They are usually placed over the archway of the main doors, some are in the sanctuary behind the pulpit, some are on the walls, some are right out in front of the church. If they are present, AT ALL, you had better think twice about YOUR presence there. This IS the LAST DAYS, folks - and the enemy means business. One of Satan's "stamps of approval" in those "churches" that are his, is ANGELS on display. All of it is just another ploy of THE OLYMPIANS, to focus your attention on anything BUT the CREATOR, and the TRUTH. Now, to address another "satanic hallmark"...
It bears repeating:
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
This page was last updated: October 29, 2022
subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"