When I had already finished the chapter on the CONTROLS in our clothing, I came across this interesting little "kernel", on a pair of little boy's pants. The tag on them read - "SURVIVAL MISSION - COMMANDER IN CHIEF - OZONE QUALITY CONTROL". OK, so what? Well, underneath that, on a separate patch, was - "GLOBAL PROTECTION - THE SAFE ALTERNATIVE". Now, what is THAT doing on a pair of boy's pants? You know, these "NO FEAR" messages on kids' clothing, are getting a bit ridiculous. There is a list of very odd brand names - chosen deliberately - I assure you, on Page 3 of the CLOTHING CONTROL CONNECTION chapter. Check those out.
We are all being geared up, men, women, and children alike, for the upcoming "alien takeover" of the world, where we shall all have to band TOGETHER, to protect the planet and our people. You may give that concept no credence, but the media, movies, and music have all been pushing the "friendly alien" nonsense for a long time. Our GOVERNMENT believes. They have been commiserating with "alien intelligence" for a long time; other-worldly or other-dimensional, it doesn't matter. THEY think it is benign. I am CONVINCED it is NOT. Our "fearless leaders" have been marching us toward their last parade - the New World Order, for a long time.
THE CONTROLLERS have been manufacturing clothing with THEIR messages on them for quite awhile, now. We buy the clothes, and put them on the kids. The brainwashing, subtle though it may seem, is massive and intense, and I hope that the readers of this treatise will separate themselves from it. I know some of you will "get" this; most of you won't - the message is for hearing ears.
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When I wrote this, in the late 90's, this was fresh news. If our current President - Barak Obama, gets his wish, and the "Health Care Reform Bill" passes Congress - this information won't really be relevant anymore, because EVERYTHING about health care will change. Nevertheless, it should open your eyes a bit, to help you understand my cynicism about the medical establishment, as a whole.
There is a proviso, in the current U. S. Healthcare contract, that some doctors are objecting to, vehemently. In the contract, it states:
"Physicians shall agree not to take any action or make any communication which
undermines or COULD undermine the confidence of enrollees, potential enrollees,
their employers, their unions, or the PUBLIC in U. S. Healthcare coverage...physicians
shall keep the Proprietary Information and this Agreement strictly confidential."
(Emphasis - mine)
Excuse me --- say WHAT? What kind of a directive is that? One doctor's opinion, was that many HMOs offer steep financial incentives, the doctor called them BRIBES, to minimize care. For instance, under the contract, doctors are promised bonuses based on a formula for keeping patients out of hospitals. If the total number of days that they were hospitalized exceeded a fixed number, the doctor would receive no money at all. That sounds like extortion to me, what do you think?
The above doctor had his contract terminated - by the HMO, U. S. Healthcare - one of the largest HMOs on the East Coast. The doctor said - "If you want to treat patients these days, you have to become part of HMOs." Sounds like there was some pressure being brought to bear. Around the same time, another doctor was taken to task by her superior, for merely suggesting a procedure that would possibly help a brain-damaged man. She was reprimanded, and told that she had made a mistake, by not checking to see whether it was covered or not, before she recommended it. That doctor eventually left that HMO, which was CIGNA Health Care, and joined a neurologists' fee-for-service practice in Texas, to better serve her patients. When the DOCTORS object, you KNOW the CONTROLS are getting rough.

Here is yet another myth exploded, that the American Cancer Society is trying to find a CURE for cancer. That would put them all OUT OF A JOB, now, wouldn't it? All of that propaganda from them about the inroads they have made in the "Fight Against Cancer" just puts me in mind of the barker at a sideshow in the circus - and CIRCUS, it is. Despite all of their boasting about "Cancer Cures", they have not one to show - not ONE. CHEMOTHERAPY KILLS, yet they persist in giving it to their patients, along with massive fear-laden doses of what will happen to you, if you don't get it. Radiation, drugs, the whole gamut - is a LIE. From 1971-1979, ever since President Nixon signed the National Cancer Act - whatever THAT was for - over $4,000,000,000 was funneled their way. Lord KNOWS how much they have had, by now - in 2009. Yet, America still has the highest cancer rate of all the nations in the WORLD - 50% above the international average, as of 1997. Why would THAT be? Those of us who rely on natural remedies, that WORK, have certainly passed lots of those remedies on to the ACS, only to be rebuffed, scoffed at, and ignored. Our cancer rate is the highest, because THE OLYMPIANS see to it that we get a good healthy daily dose of chemicals in our food, our medicine, and our atmosphere. The reason that they don't make legitimate cancer cures known to the public, the REAL reason, is that there's no money in it, for THEM!
It bears repeating:
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
This page was last updated: October 29, 2022
subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"