In case you haven't heard, the above drugs are on the "don't-touch-'em-with-a-ten-foot-pole" list. They are commonly known as NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The main name is Ibuprofen, but most people are familiar with it as one of the above. How many commercials have you seen for Advil, or Motrin? LOTS - right? Well, that's because it takes away your pain, and leaves you with a host of other things. These types of drugs have been implicated in a lot of deaths. Jim Henson of The Muppets fame is one who was affected by it. These drugs interfere with the body's ability to fight off infection. THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF, beloved.
Let's see what an infectious disease specialist has to say about it. "What seems a significant number of otherwise healthy individuals getting these infections...the several hundred case reports I have studied...a significant number of individuals either took the drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or were prescribed them, and 24 to 36 hours later, suddenly had toxic shock and organ failure." This, from Dennis L. Stevens of the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, Washington.
Some of the side effects are:
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Blurred vision
Stomach upset
Weight Gain
Stomach pain
Cardiac Arrest
Kidney damage
Darkening of stool
Gas in the stomach
Changes in the blood
Changes in color vision
Changes in liver function
Lowered blood sugar
Double vision
Respiratory depression
Retention of fluids
Abnormal heart rhythm
Breast enlargement - don't get excited, ladies, the other side effects aren't worth it.
Loss of hair
Neat, huh? Now, that's a long list of possible (some probable) side effects, that I wouldn't want in a million years. There are MORE, but I thought the above, might be enough to scare you off. How'd you like the side effects with pain involved, like HEADACHE and STOMACH PAIN? I thought these drugs were supposed to help RELIEVE pain and inflammation. How did we ever get along without them?
Here's some information from The Pill Book, about these drugs. Under "General Information", they say - "Ibuprofen is one of several non-steroid(al) anti-inflammatory drugs...all...share the same side effects...choice...depends on disease response, side effects...sonvenience...and cost. Do not take it...if you are allergic." WELL - HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW, UNLESS WE TAKE IT? Under "Cautions and Warnings", we read - "Ibuprofen may cause STOMACH ULCERS. This drug should not be used by patients with severe kidney disease...may cause birth defects or interfere with your baby's development...may also make labor longer. This drug should not be taken by nursing mothers." So, far - this is great! Makes you just want to rush right out there, and buy some and take it - just for the heck of it, right?
One other item of note, regarding NSAIDs. Back in 1984, a reduced strength, 200 mg dosage, became available without a prescription - hence, Advil, etc. So, people buy it, and take 3 or 4 of them, to help their problem. NO WONDER America's people are so sick! They just reduce the dosage, give it to them to relieve muscle pain, strain, and sprain, arthritis, headaches - or give them one - and they'll gobble it up. America, WAKE UP! You do not need a medicine chest full of pills! You NEED to do your due diligence, and take responsibility for your own health, not SWALLOW A BUNCH OF PILLS! My family doesn't even know what a medicine chest IS. We have bathroom cupboards, period.

Remember the movie, Star Wars? Of course, you do. There were so many covert ties in there to the New World Order's "mysteries", I really don't have time to address them. That was also the name of a top-secret government project, as I'm sure lots of you know, by now. Here's one thing I'll bet YOU DON'T. In the UK, the top British Freemasons received information from an odd little spiritual "entity". He passed on instructions from his "HIDDEN MASTERS". Still does, as a matter of fact, to the best of my knowledge. His name was YODA, or sometimes spelled YOTA.
Isn't that INTERESTING? I tell you - THEY are preparing us for "Star Wars" - literally - in a BIG way. The ONLY safety for you, will be in being God's guy, or God's gal, down to the very marrow of your bones. It will happen when you LEAST EXPECT IT. The infiltration will appear to be bengin, and friendly - nothing could be farther from the truth. Millions will be terror-struck, millions will buy the lie, and millions will also die. I know, you don't believe me --- you WILL.
It bears repeating:
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
This page was last updated: October 29, 2022
subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"