This unbelievable nonsense came to us IN THE MAIL, years ago, from one of the branches of the FDA. Just take a moment, and amuse yourself, by taking their TRUE or FALSE test. When you're finished, read THEIR answers, and then - read the CORRECT answers.

1. Food additives play a vital role in today's food supply.

2. All additives are by-products of modern-day technology.

3. Additives do not cause childhood hyperactivity.

4. Additives are used only to improve the aesthetic qualities of food.

5. "Natural" additives are safer than "artificial" additives.

6. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for

reviewing the safety of food additives.

7. Unlike foods grown in the garden, those containing food additives

are made up of complex chemicals.
Before I tell you what THEIR answers are...think about the above. Talk about setting the agenda for the debate! Sounds like someone's running scared, doesn't it? Why would they EVEN BOTHER to publish this idiotic nonsense? Doesn't it sound defensive and "paranoid", like the FDA is afraid we're all going to only frequent health food stores, and grow all of our own food? That being are the answers that the FDA says are correct.
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. False
1. One "vital" part most of them play, is to make food that should be spoiled, look good enough to eat, long past the time anyone should consume it. Another "vital" part, is that a lot of agricultural by-products that would not be fed to livestock, can be fed to us, for a tremendous profit margin.
2. Almost all of the food additives are by-products of modern-day technology, and have no place in a human body.
3. Oh, they most certainly DO have a hand in childhood hyperactivity - a HEAVY hand - ask any parent for the truth on this one!
4. That's the REAL reason - foods LOOK better, and TASTE better. Food additives are certainly not added to the food supply to make us healthier.
5. Of COURSE, "natural" additives are safer than "artifical" additives. What a stupid allegation they're trying to get you to swallow! Ask anyone who has an artificial leg, or smells artificial flowers, or owns an artificial diamond, or eats artificial meat, or has artificial fingernails, or artificial hair. Give me a break - the word MEANS "contrived by art, man-made; false, misleading; unnatural."!
6. With this one, we agree. The FDA really IS responsible, and they are the ones who should be CALLED TO ACCOUNT for the tremendous damage that food additives have caused, and cause the American people. Millions of people have paid for THEIR "responsibility" through physical suffering, loss of mental faculties, disruption in the home, financial loss, and even DEATH - due to the health problems that food additives create - NOT TO MENTION THEIR DASTARDLY LIGHTNING-FAST "OK" on deadly drugs!
Many a marriage could have been saved, many a child could have lived a normal childhood, many a senior citizen could have been taken out of a nursing home, many a hospital bed could be emptied, and many a life could have been spared - if our food supply was purged of the food additives that have been sanctioned by the FDA. Their "blessing" and approval for most of the additives in our food are suspect, to say the least. Makes you wonder whose money is behind the FDA's "approved" list of food additives, doesn't it?
7. Well, this one is just plain stupid. All foods, with or without food additives, are made up of complex chemicals. I cannot believe they even put that in their "test" - guess they don't have any REAL chemists working at the FDA.
The above piece was received at our home, in about 1996 or 1997. I could NOT believe what I was reading. Reminds me of something that William Shakespears put, in one of his plays. I believe the line was - "Methinks thou dost protest too much".
That information was put out by the University of Florida, Cooperative Extension
Service, Institute of Food and Agriculture, Brenda G. Rogers, Extension Agent
Three, Family and Consumer Sciences - U.S. Department of Agriculture, and
Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. For further information,
you are directed to the Food and Drug Administration.
Make that the Food and Drug MISINFORMATION.
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It bears repeating:
This page was last updated: October 29, 2022
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
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