subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
Pasta is NOT a good source of complex carbohydrates, but it makes an excellent "sewer plug". White flour, and the products that are made from it, very effectively clog up the little cilia that line your intestinal walls. It coats them with such a thick, gooey sludge, that essential vitamins and minerals cannot get through, to be effectively used in your blood stream. White flour also quite nicely constipates us, so...what do we do? We run to the drug store and buy laxatives, which whip our intestines into a frenzy of activity, so they can evacuate, and prepare for the next compacted load. This process serves to weaken our intestines, often becomes habit-forming, and makes LOTS and LOTS of money for the pharmaceutical companies.
WANT SOME PROOF? Here are a couple of experiments that you can do at home, on your own, to see if what I say is true. The first one will show you how important it is to keep foods in their whole state, until they are ready for ingestion. Get some whole wheat berries. Grind them up into flour - a blender will work, because you don't need it to be as fine as if you were going to make bread. Dump the freshly ground whole wheat flour out into a bowl, and add just enough water to make a pasty dough. Pick it up, and make it into a ball, and knead it, in your hands. Now --- look at your hands. They will get RED. This is a result of hyperaemia. The active ferments in the bran and the germ are responsible for this, the same enzymatic ferments that change the starch to sugar during the germination process. Then, do the same experiment, using some whole wheat flour from your local grocer - it will have been ground a WHILE ago. You will get very LITTLE reaction, because the enzymes that create the reaction are long gone; nutrient-wise. Finally - do the same thing with white flour. You will get NO REACTION AT ALL, because the LIFE that was in it, is deader than a doornail. The enzymes are gone - the enzymes that keep us alive! Next experiment - next page.
OK - now, mix a few tablespoons full of whole wheat flour - fresh or stale - with just enough water to make it a bit "runny". Do the same with white flour. Fold two pieces of paper in half, right down the center. Open them up, and coat one half of each piece with your flour mixtures. White flour mixture on one, and the whole wheat flour mixture on the other. Fold the papers back together, and let them set up overnight. The next day, see which paper is easier to pull apart. What you will see is EXACTLY what white flour does, in your body. It coats it with "glue", which will clog up your intestines, and prevent your body from absorbing essential nutrients.
Final test - get some GOOD whole wheat bread from the health food store, and also get the cheapest loaf of white bread that you can find. Take a slice of each, tear off the crust and throw it away. Moisten both slices, and ball them up in your hands, separately. You'll end up with a very tiny hard ball, with the white bread and a much larger, spongy ball with the whole wheat. That is exactly what happens to the bread inside your body - AND, that is exactly what happens when you eat white pasta.
If you LOVE pasta, and feel you just can't "live without it", use whole wheat pasta, and you'll be fine. Oh, before I forget - do THE ENERGYGRAPH test on yourself, holding a box of white pasta, and then holding a box of whole wheat pasta. THAT will be all of the proof that you will need. Don't let THE CONTROLLERS feed you another lie. Get off the white plaster "pasta", and get back to health. Bear in mind, at all times, that IF an item is heavily advertised, widely promoted, readily available, and everyone seems to be on a "kick", eating it - it is PROBABLY not fit for man or beast.
It bears repeating:
This page was last updated: October 29, 2022
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Just a few comments here, on something I observed in the elementary schools - about 13 years ago. In several of them, I noticed that the grade levels locations in the schools, are called "pods". The "third-grade pod", or the "kindergarten pod" is how they are designated. What an APPROPRIATE term, as the students are being trained to perform as "peas in a pod". That term conjures up a veritable kaleidoscope of ideas - not the least of them related to the way seeds, almost identical, are crammed together inside a POD, awaiting germination, and liberation. Just let your mind focus on the "pod" concept - you'll get it.

At the risk of irritating you, I am going to again address FLUORIDE. On the TABLE OF CONTENTS, there is a link to fluoride on the sidebar, and I have addressed it, elsewhere. It needs to be addressed again. Fluoride is a NEUROTOXIN. It creates havoc in the human body, especially in the brain. Well, who was responsible for "gifting" this poison to the American people, via their water supply? None other than Paul Mellon and his wife, through their Mellon Megabucks Machine. They even convinced the DENTISTS, although that should really come as no shock, because at the top of it, the American Dental Association is hand-in-hand with the AMA, which is hand-in-hand with the FDA, and so on, and so forth. Fluoride is an ENZYMATIC POISON. Most people are unaware of the devastating results of ingesting fluoride. Our water supply has been polluted with fluoride roughly to the tune of 1-10 parts per million. Fluoride toothpaste contains 1000 PARTS PER MILLION. Young children swallow it, sometimes in large quantities, and IT POISONS THEM. Add to that, the fluoride treatments at the dentist's office, for youngsters, and what we already ingest in our water, and you've got a nasty dose of an inorganic chemical in your body. Welcome another CONTROL, via THE OLYMPIANS. Read on, because I have a few more things to say about fluoride, and its effects on a human body.
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"