subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...

Researchers from the Department of Toxicology, Forsyth Research Institute, the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Eastman Dental Center, and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory from Iowa State University have come together to produce a SHOCKING report on fluoride, and its poisonous effects on human beings. These researchers reported on the work of Chinese scientists who had studied the effects of fluoride on the central nervous system. They discovered that a dose of only three to eleven parts PER MILLION can affect the nervous system directly, and 100 parts PER MILLION affects the ATTENTION SPAN of test subjects. This was long before the effects of skeletal fluorosis became apparent. Fluoride mouthwashes containe between 200 and 900 parts per million. Cola drinks contain fluoride, some topical application gels contain fluoride, dietary supplements contain fluoride, and so does your everyday food - because the water it is made with, contains fluoride. The American researchers found a distinct link between fluoride exposure, and behavorial disruption. Read the news, lately, anyone? By the way, fluoride added to a human being's diet, tends to make him or her PASSIVE - do a little online search on how FLUORIDE was used on prisoners of war, in Germany.
Moral - get rid of your fluoride toothpast, don't buy mouthwash with fluoride in it, and get a GOOD whole-house reverse osmosis water filtration system for your home. You are allowing those who are IN CONTROL, to dictate your behavior, and your children's behavior. Your bone structure is being affected, as is your nervous system, as is your pocketbook. Find alternative toothpastes and mouthwashes - they are out there. Again - forewarned is FOREARMED!
It bears repeating:
This page was last updated: October 29, 2022
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Another nugget from Paul Harvey, that I discovered many years ago, and one that is FINALLY coming to public view - it's ABOUT TIME! He said..."what I am about to relate is an alert. It is not yet an alarm. A University of Missouri study indicates there might be a link between some plastics and birth defects, specifically from the plastic used in some food containers, and some BABY BOTTLES." There you have it. Our babies should be breast fed. We are the only living, breathing creature that artificially feeds our offspring - by CHOICE! Look at all of the healthy animals, non-domesticated, that is. They eat raw, live food, and NURSE their young! Well - those who have the capability do, anyway.

There is a threat afoot - involving MERCURY. I am not addressing the toxic effects of mercury poisoning, through your dental fillings. The threat I am referring to came from the ADA awhile back. It was issued to practicing, licensed dentists. Dentists were notified that any dentist recommending the removal of mercury fillings, or actually found to be actively engaged in doing it, would NOT be able to renew their membership in the ADA. Certainly not - what do we think this is - a FREE SOCIETY? Sorry, we have not been one, for years. Don't you find that interesting, that the ADA would attempt to control dentists like that? I do...and NOW, I'll address mercury toxicity.
I picked this up from the Journal of Longevity Research, in Volume 2 Number 7, 1996. They wrote: "In Northern Europe, the term for mercury was 'quaksilber' - a forerunner of our English term 'quicksilver'. A dentist who used mercury was called a 'quiksilber placer' or 'quak' for short. Hence, the original use of the word 'quack' was taken from dentists who used mercury for fillings." Mercury is also known as hydrargyrum; that's where the chemical symbol Hg comes in.
Somewhere along the line, WE became the "quacks" and the dentists continued the mercury. In the same article, they cite a few items that 60 Minutes aired. Evidently there was so much evidence indicting mercury toxemia, that they decided to get on the bandwagon. So many of us have known for years, the truth about mercury amalgam fillings, but were turned a deaf ear by the media. Well,
finally, 60 Minutes reported one woman's story - "Faye Dores was only 35, when in 1985 she was told that the severity of her ailments, including arthritis, colitis, fatigue, and memory loss, was so great that she would spend the rest of her life CONFINED IN A WHEELCHAIR. By late August of that year, all of her mercury fillings had been removed from her mouth. Within THREE WEEKS of their removal, she no longer required a cane, and the rest of her symptoms BEGAN TO DISAPPEAR." (Emphasis mine.) CLICK HERE FOR A LIST OF MERCURY POISONING SYMPTOMS.
Can you believe that? The woman must have been misdiagnosed over and over again, until SOMEBODY made her aware of the symptoms of MERCURY POISONING. I'll bet SHE was delighted that they did! 60 Minutes also reported, that in 1986, the ADA changed its code of ethics, and made it a VIOLATION for any dentist to recommend the removal of amalgam because of mercury. Sounds like the ADA is REALLY looking out for the our best interests, doesn't it?
One last item, that I KNOW you'll enjoy, from the Journal of Longevity Research: "Mercury damages the nervous system. In the old days in England, hatters hand-rubbed mercury into felt to make it stiff enough to stand up for those big hats that were the rage. Their bodies absorbed it - the mercury, not the felt - through their skin. They got the shakes and became mentally 'unstable'. That is how the expression 'mad as a hatter' came into being." Now, beloved, you PROVE to me that the AMA and the ADA don't know these things, the hierarchy at the top, and I'll eat MY hat. Those symptoms sound a lot like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, don't they? More on mercury....
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"