There is massive, irrefutable evidence, thanks to FOIA, the Freedom of Information Act, that both AIDS and the Ebola virus were bioengineered. Dr. John Coleman had been saying that for a long time, the man who wrote CONSPIRATOR'S HEIRARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300, see APPENDIX. NOW - finally - other researchers are alleging that, also. The extremely circuitous trail that starts with those two "plagues" leads back to the Center for Disease Control .  Remember what I always say? FOLLOW THE MONEY. I'll give you lots of sources at the end of Control, Inc. - in the APPENDIX, so you can read all of the sickening details yourself.

Many years ago, we heard about the Department of Defense vaccinating the troops against anthrax. Veterinarians know all about anthrax - it is an extremely destructive bacterial disease that is found in warm-blooded animals, such as cattle and sheep. The vaccine against it, is reputedly so dangerous, that during World War, the French told us to KEEP it, and used tetracycline instead; they were totally protected. When the story broke in the media, about the inoculation of our troops, it was the first acknowledgement from the Pentagon that all of the anthrax germ-warfare rumors were based on fact. 

Back in 1997, we had heard that anthrax and bubonic plague were about to be unleashed on the American public. The information came from Larry Harris, a microbiologist, who specialized in diseases that affect man. He worked at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, in the old CIA Biological Warfare Program. He worked not only in clinical laboratories, but from 1985-1991 he worked with the CIA in a covert laboratory. His training was specifically in Germ Warfare Defense. At Ohio State University, where he was taking his certification exam, to be qualified for the National Registry of Microbiologists, he met a close relative of the President of Iraq, who was killed in 1966. From her, he learned about plans to unleash biological warfare on the American public. The methods that they intended to use, were very simple, and very effective. The threat was real. The plan was apparently headed off, because we did not hear any more about it. To read the transcript of the video interview with Larry - CLICK HERE. It will be some VERY INTERESTING reading.

The above information is one more reason for you to eat raw garlic. We gave you a lot more, in the GLORIOUS GORGEOUS GARLIC chapter. The active ingredients in raw garlic have been found to be VERY effective against most bacteria and viruses. CLICK HERE for more, from a VERY INFORMATIVE SITE on the incredible protective properties of GARLIC.

Back to bubonic plague and anthrax. Bubonic plague takes three days for symptoms to start, after the initial exposure to it. Anthrax symptoms take two days. One way to disperse the viruses, is to bolt special containers under the frame of a car, where the air that streams through, underneath the car, creates a very effective atomizer unit. The operatives involved are all heavily protected with tetracycline, prior to handling any of these viruses. Another method used, is to dispense the viruses by airplane. Iraqis were trained to steal Cessna 150 aircraft and fly them to a secluded field. In secrecy, they would grind up recording tape very fine, mix it with shellac, and paint the aircraft with it, to avoid radar detection. The special paint job plays havoc with radar, because it creates a crazy pattern on a radar screen, which is not recognizable as coming from an aircraft. The attacks were planned for the early morning hours, on the main highways that are around the major cities. For the attacks by automobile, the plan was this - when a lever is pulled, to release the viruses, a mist or a fog comes up behind the car, which will rapidly dissipate and become invisible, about 2 feet behind the car. The same thing was slated to occur with the aircraft. The plan was to disperse both viruses mentioned above, on subsequent days - plague first, then anthrax. The plague particles, once released, are viable in the air for 48 hours. Anthrax's viability is slightly longer - the SPORES can remain active for roughtly 5,000 years. Oh, GREAT! The PLAN was to TURN OUT THE LIGHTS, as the perpetrators prepared to leave the country. We had detailed information, on how they intended to do exactly that, all over the nation. Our informant was actually shown the top secret power grid of the entire United States, proof that the attackers knew our Achilles' heel.

Well, our patriot took the information he had, to anyone who would listen to him - but all of the organizations who SHOULD have been VERY interested, were relying on the CDC (Center for Disease Control) to handle it. That's like putting Jack the Ripper in charge of a house of ill repute. In naive innocence, he approached a Senator about it, and was assured that it would be looked into. As things would have it, the Senator he approached was directly linked to THE CONTROLLERS. Of course, our informant never heard any more about it, from that Senator. The FBI, the CIA, the Department of Defense, (the DOD) - not ONE of them was interested in pursuing his information.

Just so you know, the Center for Disease Control is a PRIVATE organization - NOT part of the government, and they are REALLY not interested in saving lives. Oh, they play their part, in notifying us of the latest health threats, but they're not really "on our side". Once, a briefcase with a tape recorder in it, was planted in one of the CDC's offices. Upon retrieval, that tape was found to have some VERY enlightening things on it. The CDC officials were sitting around GLOATING over the kickbacks they were getting for NOT selling biological warfare agents all over the world. They were also discussing how much money they were making FROM selling biological warfare agents to any nation or entity that had they money to buy them. The tape was played at closed Senate hearings, with no results - or, at least none that we could "ferret" out. This all came about during Clinton's administration. That "ain't" all - keep reading...

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It bears repeating:
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
This page was last updated: October 29, 2022
subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"