After the information on the preceding page was given to the authorities, Clinton decided, just as though he had never heard it, to strike Kuwait, which is considered to be "the heel of Allah". In September of 1996, an intelligence briefing was intercepted from Baghdad. The message said, basically - "Back off, or we're going to release anthrax all over the United States". Once again, Dr. John Coleman published excellent information about all of this, and it'll behoove you to read, at the very least, his book referred to in THE APPENDIX. His materials are ALWAYS worth reading.
Did you read about the AIDS virus on the preceding page? It was traced to the organizations named above, and our sources insist that it came out of a laboratory under the Hercules Corporation. The World Health Organization mixed it with smallpox and polio vaccine, and used it to inoculate the natives of Africa, for the sole purpose of mass genocide on "the tens of millions" scale. Read chapter 9 of the book of Revelation in the Bible. It speaks of the plagues that are to come upon the Earth, and describes some things in the air, that sound just like the black helicopters flying the skies of our nation. Just a thought...
Let's close this section with a quote from Dr. Barbara M. Hubbard, Psychologist and Strategist, member of the task force DELTA, United States Army Think Tank. She says - "One fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social body. We are in charge of god - selection, (maybe she meant God's selection) process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, DEATH." Now, you're aware of how dastardly THE OLYMPIANS are. If you dig deep enough, you'll see the are behind the thinking of people like Dr. Hubbard.
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We have the Eli Lilly company to thank for this one. PROZAC is one of the most commonly prescribed antidepressant drugs in America, today. It is fluoxetine hydrochloride. In 1996, doctors cranked out 5O,OOO,OOO prescriptions for this one. So, what? Well, one researcher reports that the CIA, operating under their project, ORION, used Prozac on people who were involved in the rash of snipings that occurred in the late 90's. The modus operandi, was to give subjects Prozac, while in a mental facility or under a doctor's care. They would then insert either a post-hypnotic suggestion in the subject's mind, to be triggered at a later date, OR, an electronic brain implant. They also used ELF waves and microwaves, to effect extreme violence in the subject, and steered them to the targets. It is well known that Prozac, taken in a certain dosage, increases the serotonin level in the brain, resulting in outbursts of uncontrolled violence. Part of this diabolical nonsense is just to brainwash and condition America, to get us to surrender our guns. Another part of it, is to flood the pharmaceutical companies with money. Just how many doctors have prescribed Prozac, unaware of its uncontrollable tendencies to promote violence? WHO KNOWS!
What do we have, raging throughout our nation? Parents who murder their children, teens who murder their parents, senseless suicides, snipers who murder indiscriminately, mass murderers, scapegoat assassins who have no recollection of their "crime", and so forth, and so on.
STAY AWAY FROM THE "SHRINKS" and the psychiatric counseling programs that prescribe drugs. If you get back to basics with your diet, and follow the recommendations in CONTROL, INC., you won't BE out of control, confused, or depressed anymore.

As I mentioned in the TOBACCO TERRORS chapter, a few years back - BEFORE the horror of September 11, 2001 - I took about 23 flights in the space of a few months. The CONDITIONING that existed in the airports THEN, was just incredible, and defies description. In 2009, eight years after 9-11, the CONTROL and CONDITIONING is absolutely abominable. I understand that there is a need for efficiency and order, but...people are funneled through airports like cattle; most of them completely content to be told what to do. Our government full well knows those who are threats to this country. I may be a maverick, but I am really not unreasonable, nor do I think I deserve any "special treatment". Well, I have had a plane detained for me, because I had to run and do something important, have been given many special considerations, had rules waived - all because I simply asked, politely - AND, I refuse to be a sheep.
At one international airport, I stood back and watched people follow lines painted on outdoor macadam, that had no accompanying signs, just lines. It created a "suggestion" as to how people were to approach the plane. This airport didn't use the "boarding tunnels". The lines swirled and curved around, making the approach to the airplane at least twice as long. I waited until everyone else was in the plane, then I just walked in a straight line, across the macadam, and boarded. Guess it never occurred to anyone else to do that. No one was out there, "directing traffic", there were no signs posted, and no one was told to follow the painted lines, but - they all did! I have seen people take abuse from airline personnel that I could not even imagine, and have seen folks follow stupid directives and policies, that were just downright irrational, and illogical. I declare - if a sign was hung by the baggage retrieval area that said - "All parents must leave children between the ages of 6-12 on this bench for weighing in before boarding", people would DO IT! My imagination brings up "funny" scenarios, that I am SURE would happen. Just picture this - there's a sign that says - "All infants must be left with Security Personnel for a DDT analysis, within 45 minutes of boarding the plane" - and people would DO IT! Imagine a man saying to his wife - "Dear, where are the children?" Her reply - "I took them to be weighed" or "I left the baby with the Security Personnel. They wanted to do a DDT clearance on him". Without question, I am COMPLETELY convinced that lots of parents would do it, because I have seen so many people follow idiotic directives, blindly. You just think about how far we have sunk in the area of reasoning for ourselves, taking responsibility for own actions, and how thoroughly we have been CONDITIONED. You'll see, I'm right. Oh, by the way - in the above imaginary scenario, DDT stands for Dry Diaper Test. There's more...keep reading...
It bears repeating:
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
This page was last updated: October 29, 2022
subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"